New World Record for Ocean Avenger

New World Record for Ocean Avenger

South African customer, Greenhouse Construction, set a new record by drilling over 4 Million holes with their Ocean Avenger in just 2 years and 2 months since installation. As one of the premier design build companies doing large warehouses, Greenhouse completely redesigned all aspects of their warehouses to best utilize the capability of the Avenger.

In two years they have gone from predominantly welding their structures to now being an almost completely bolted design, netting them considerable savings in the process. In South Africa, steel service centers that offer processing, sell a hole for around R15.00. This means that Greenhouse has seen a return in the range of R60 Million* in 2 years on a machine that cost them less than R2.6M*. Now that’s what you call a return on investment!  (*$4.8M return on $200K invested)

New World Record for Ocean Avenger

Proud operator Charles Roast with his immaculately maintained Ocean Avenger at Greenhouse Construction, South Africa

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