How to Cope Stair Stringer Cut-Outs and Notches with CNC Beam Coping Machine

How to Cope Stair Stringer Cut-Outs and Notches with CNC Beam Coping Machine

If you are a structural steel fabricator that continuously does stair stringer cut-outs by hand, you will be amazed to see what the Ocean Liberator CNC Beam Coping Machine can do to save you time AND money!

How to Make Stair Stringer Cut-Outs

The Ocean Liberator CNC oxyfuel torch quickly cuts out notches on the end of channel or beams to attach to landing pieces.The Ocean Liberator eliminates manual layout and marking. It takes drawings straight from your CAD program and automatically cuts the copes accurately, every time, with no possibility of human layout error.

The Ocean Avenger CNC Beam Drill Line can be used in conjunction with the Ocean Liberator to lay out all welded marks for corner angles or to drill holes for bolted treads in industrial applications.

The video below shows how fast the Ocean Liberator copes the top part of the stair stringer that will eventually be attached to a steel landing platform. The video was taken at a fabricating and welding shop in Texas, where they use the Liberator CNC Beam Coping Machine most often to cope beams to build large skids and channel for stair stringer cut-outs for oil tanks and pump jacks used in the oil and gas industry.

The Ocean Liberator CNC Beam Coping Machine copes the stair stringer cut-outs and notches in just 3 minutes and 20 seconds from start to finish. To make these same stair stringer cut-outs by hand would take 5x or more the amount of time, including layout, part-marking and grinding. The Ocean Liberator makes perfect stair stringer cut-outs quickly and accurately — just think about the time and money that will be saved!

For more information on how the Ocean Liberator can help fabricators making stair stringer cut-outs, contact Ocean Machinery today or call us toll free at 1-800-286-3624. More videos on the Ocean Liberator CNC Beam Coping Machine can be found on the Ocean Machinery YouTube channel.

Photos of Stair Stringer Production with the Ocean Liberator CNC Beam Coper

How to make stair stringer cut-outs and notches How to make stair stringer cut-outs and notches How to make stair stringer cut-outs and notches How to make stair stringer cut-outs and notches

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