Take a cool aerial tour through New Zealand’s largest steel fabricator

Take a cool aerial tour through New Zealand’s largest steel fabricator

While Ocean typically targets the small to medium fabricator, many of Ocean’s CNC machines end up in large fabrication facilities due to their exceptional versatility and their ability to process just about any profile.

In this very cool aerial tour through John Jones, the largest steel fabricator in South Island New Zealand, we see both Peddinghaus and Ocean Avenger drill lines.

The Avenger processes steel profiles that would be impossible to do on a regular beam line, such as this 24”x24” RHS steel section.

Ocean Avenger
Ocean Avenger makes easy work of this 600 x 600 x 20mm rectangular column

Due to a major earthquake back in 2011, the NZ building code is going through a major rewrite to account for seismic activity and there are a lot of major projects underway featuring new seismic engineering concepts.

Ocean Avenger at John Jones New Zealand
Darren Harmsworth of Impact Machinery with the Ocean Avenger at John Jones New Zealand

This particular column is a 24”x24” column, made from press brake formed plate, with multiple holes drilled on all four faces. Despite having a large multispindle Peddinghaus drill line, this part was allocated to their ever faithful Ocean Avenger of which they have two.

Ocean Avenger
Holes are drilled in all four surfaces of this rectangular column

large rectangular column
A 300 Ton Press brake forms the plate into the rectangular column (3rd party processing)

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